Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form 2024 Courses Fees Last Date Online Apply

Darul Uloom Karachi, a famous Islamic institution, has been in the forefront of providing quality education and research in Islamic sciences. If you want to enroll in one of its prestigious courses in 2024, this article will provide you all the information you need regarding the Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form 2024 process, costs, the final date to apply online, and more. Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Islamic educational institutes, has begun accepting applications for the 2024-24 academic year. Students can apply for admission online from 8 April 2024 (16 Ramadan 144) through 28 April 2024. Darul Uloom Karachi admission guidelines, eligibility criteria, entry tests, and fees will be covered in this article.

داخلے کے اہل ہونے کے ل new ، نئے طلباء نے اپنے حالیہ وائیفک رپورٹ کارڈوں پر امتیاز یا کم از کم 70 ٪ حاصل کرنا ہوگا۔ درخواست کی ابتدائی اسکریننگ کے بعد ، داخلہ کمیٹی ہر امیدوار کو تحریری جائزہ فراہم کرے گی ، اور جو طلبا گزرتے ہیں ان کا زبانی طور پر اندازہ کیا جائے گا۔ نتائج کی بنیاد پر ، فیصلہ داخلہ دینے یا انکار کرنے ، مطلوبہ گریڈ میں داخلہ لینے ، یا کسی بھی متبادل گریڈ کی سفارش کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا جائے گا۔ یہاں تک کہ اگر کوئی کلاس اپنی صلاحیت تک پہنچ گیا ہے تو ، بقایا صلاحیت کے طلباء کو اندراج کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ بائس حیدرآباد کے نتائج 2024 کے لئے ایس ایم ایس ، نام ، اور رول نمبر کے ذریعہ اپنے گریڈ چیک کریں

The advanced students’ admission exam will be held at the Korangi Center. The institution will independently check the data, and its decision on the validity and verification of the data will be final. Admission to the Nanakwada branch will be made at the religious studies and first class levels, which will be non-residential and unaided.

About Darul Uloom Karachi i

Darul Uloom Karachi is one of Pakistan’s oldest and most prestigious Islamic seminaries. It has a long history of delivering comprehensive Islamic education to students from all over the world, having been founded in 1951. The school is well-known for its tough curriculum, highly trained professors, and emphasis on character development in addition to academic accomplishment.

Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi Admission 2024

The Darul Uloom Karachi admission form is an important stage in the enrolling process for prospective students. It is the primary method for applicants to supply personal and educational information, as well as identify their preferred course of study. The admission form is available on Darul Uloom Karachi’s official website www.darululoomkarachi.edu.pk, and applicants must properly fill out the form to verify their eligibility for admission.

Darul Uloom Karachi Entry Test

Each applicant must pass an admission examination.The exam consists of questions about fundamental Islamic scholarship and the Arabic language. The advanced students’ admission examination will be held at the Korangi Center. The Korangi Center on its own.Students attend secondary school for a total of five years.The duration of education from elementary school through Hadith could last up to 18 years.

ایڈوانسڈ طلباء کا داخلہ امتحان خود کورنگی سنٹر میں ہوگا۔ ادارہ آزادانہ طور پر ڈیٹا کی جانچ کرے گا۔ اعداد و شمار کی صداقت اور توثیق کے بارے میں ادارہ کا فیصلہ حتمی ہوگا۔ نانکواڈا برانچ میں مذہبی علوم اور فرسٹ کلاس کے مرحلے میں داخلہ لیا جائے گا ، جو غیر رہائشی اور غیر مددگار ہوگا۔

darululoomkarachi.edu.pk Admission 2024

To apply online, go to www.darululoomkarachi.edu.pk. There are classes on Hifz and Arabic languages, as well as fundamental topics, that are required to grasp and comprehend the Holy Quran and Sunnah. We make admissions based on the number of students in each class. As a result, students can acquire both a standard education and a full Hifz. We notify students in advance if a course is full or cannot be used, but we allow exceptional students to continue.

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form 2024 Courses Fees Last Date Online Apply

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form 2024

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission 2024 Last Date

  • Darul Uloom Karachi Admission 2024 Last Date: 28 April 2024

Eligibility Criteria for Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form 2024

To get admitted to Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi, you must meet the following requirements:

Educational Prerequisites:

  • The applicant must have a minimum of ten years of formal education.
  • The candidate must be fluent in Arabic. Arabic is a language.
  • The applicant should have a second or higher level of Islamic Studies.

Minimum Age Requirement:

  • Candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 25.

Other Requirements:

  • The applicant should be well-mannered and have a strong desire to learn.

Darul Uloom Karachi Courses

Darul Uloom Karachi provides a wide variety of courses for students with varying degrees of Islamic knowledge and skill. Darul Uloom Karachi offers the following courses:

  • Takhasusaat
  • Takhasus Fil
  • Takhasus Fil iftah
  • Takhasus Fil fiqha
  • Takhasus Fil dawa
    Huffaz Arabi Course
  • English Language
  • Sahafat Courser
  • Takhasus Filugha Al Arbia
  • Darse Nizami
  • Maahad Al Rasheed Al Arbi
  • Takmeel Ulma Course
  • Tahfeez Al Quran
  • Al Mufti Online
  • Darul Iftah Jamia Tur Rasheed
  • Kulya Tun Nizami

If you have any questions about Jamia Tur Rasheed Institute Admission 2024, please contact us via the Contact area and we will assist you and get back to you as soon as possible.

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form Last Date to Apply Online

Darul Uloom Karachi admissions are simple and clear. Prospective students can apply online by completing the admission form accessible on Darul Uloom Karachi’s official website. (darululoomkarachi.edu.pk). Personal details, educational history, and course of study selection are all required throughout the online application process. To secure their admissions eligibility, applicants must fill out the form completely and precisely.

The deadline for submitting the admission form varies from year to year and is usually posted on the official website. To avoid any trouble or rejection of their application, applicants must stick to the deadline and submit their paperwork on time. It is also recommended that a copy of the completed form be kept for future reference.

آن لائن رجسٹریشن مرحلۃ متوسطۃ
آن لائن رجسٹریشن ثانویۃ عامۃ
آن لائن رجسٹریشن ثانویۃ خاصۃ
آن لائن رجسٹریشن عالیۃ
آن لائن رجسٹریشن عالمیۃ

Darul Uloom Karachi Fees 2024

Tuition expenses for secondary-level students and Dars Nizami are waived at Darul Uloom Karachi. The Madrisa provides free accommodation, food, first aid, and some medical services. However, if students can afford it, they can find housing by paying rent and purchasing meals.

Darul Uloom Karachi operates on a no-fee basis, which means that there are no tuition fees for the courses offered. To finance student expenditures, the college relies on donations and endowments from well-wishers and philanthropists. Students must, however, fund their own boarding, lodging, and other additional expenditures while at the madrasa.

 How To Apply Darul Uloom Karachi Online?

With an online application process, Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi has made admission straightforward and easy for potential students. This is a step-by-step guide to applying for admission to Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi over the internet:

  • Visit the Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi website. https://darululoomkarachi.edu.pk/
  • Navigate to “Admissions.” Select the “Admissions” tab.
  • Select the program for which you want to apply.
  • Fill out the application form completely and accurately.
  • Upload all of the papers you require, including your most recent photo and transcripts from your academic studies.
  • The application fees can be paid online.
  • Please submit your application.

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Rules

  • Acceptance into Dars e Nizami. Dars e Nizami begins in the second week of Shawwal after the Eid-ul-Fitr holidays, allowing the central government apparatus to operate until the following week. (The deadline for admission will be set in Ramadan)
  • Students in the present era are eligible to take the writing test if their preceding results are distinguished, or at least 70 percent.
  • Every advanced applicant must take a written exam, and then the candidate is (orally) evaluated, after which the student’s abilities are displayed in the present: (a) to nominate or not to nominate, (b) to take an assessment of the desired rank, or (c) to suggest a rank.

There is a cap on the number of students admitted per grade, and admissions are made based on the grade. If there is no place for any grade or if capacity is limited, this is communicated in advance. However, students with exceptional abilities are given priority. It is possible to investigate the problem.

If there is insufficient space to accept students in Dar-ul-Uloom, or if there is an impediment to accommodation, or if it is a realistic option, the student may be admitted and accommodated.

Darul Uloom Karachi Admission Form

Apply for Admission Today!

It is critical to be informed of the last day to apply online for admission to Darul Uloom Karachi for the 2024 courses. The deadline for online applications is normally announced well in advance on the institution’s official website and other communication channels. To minimize any trouble, it is critical that you carefully notice the deadline and submit your application before it expires.

The online application procedure is quick and convenient, and you can complete it from the comfort of your own home. It is important that you carefully read the rules and directions before completing the online form to ensure that you enter all of the relevant information accurately. Late or incomplete applications may not be considered, thus it is critical to adhere to the deadline and thoroughly follow the guidelines.

Benefits of Studying at Darul Uloom Karachi

Darul Uloom Karachi offers various advantages that make it a distinct and interesting experience. The school takes a complete and holistic approach to Islamic education, integrating spiritual, intellectual, and moral growth. Some of the advantages of studying at Darul Uloom Karachi are as follows:

  1. Distinctive learning environment and spiritual atmosphere: Darul Uloom Karachi provides a conducive environment for students to immerse themselves in Islamic studies research. The campus of the university is noted for its tranquil and beautiful settings, which generate an atmosphere of spirituality and devotion that enriches the academic experience.
  2. Personal growth and character development opportunities: Darul Uloom Karachi emphasizes on character development and molding students to become responsible and ethical individuals in addition to academic knowledge. The institution places a high focus on moral principles, discipline, and integrity.

Official website of Darul Uloom Karachi

Official website:https://darululoomkarachi.edu.pk/

Contact detail

  • Address of the Institute: Jamia Darul Uloom Balochistan Muslim Bagh New Bypass Road is located in Muslim Bagh, Pakistan.
  • Fax: 6-00922135049774
  • Ph. No: 35032366, 0092213504192


Q: What are the prerequisites for admission to Darul Uloom Karachi?

Candidates must be between the ages of 18 and 25.

Q: Are female students permitted to apply for admission to Darul Uloom Karachi?

Darul Uloom Karachi is a male-only institution, and female students are not admitted.

Q: Are there any scholarships or financial aid available for students at Darul Uloom Karachi?

 Darul Uloom Karachi operates on a no-fee basis and does not charge tuition. Students must, however, cover their own boarding, accommodation, and other additional fees. The college does not offer any scholarships or financial help.

Q: What is the medium of instruction at Darul Uloom Karachi?

Darul Uloom Karachi’s primary medium of instruction is Urdu, with some courses also taught in Arabic.